Narcissistic abuse counselling in Plymouth

Narcissistic Abuse and Self Esteem

Flower - Narcissistic Abuse Plymouth

Narcissistic abuse is often hidden and covert, with the narcissist projecting a façade to those around them. However, towards the victim, it is a different story. Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self and seek external validation to cover up their low self-esteem. They struggle to empathize with others, deflect responsibility for their actions, and belittle their victim's needs. Manipulation and gaslighting are commonly used tactics to maintain power and control over the victim, leading to erosion of their self-worth and creating anxiety and self-doubt.

Understanding the Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Victims'

Emotional and Psychological Well-being

Victims of narcissistic abuse may experience complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), leading to feelings of confusion, not being good enough, and hyper-vigilance. Emotional outbursts and poor coping skills are common traits of narcissistic personalities. As a result, the victim may neglect their own needs and lose their identity. Acknowledging the experience and feelings is the first step towards healing. It is essential to know that the abuse was not the victim's fault, and it is crucial to be kind and compassionate towards oneself.

Narcissistic Abuse Plymouth

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Steps towards healing 

Ending the relationship with a narcissistic partner and seeking professional support to talk about and process the experience and feelings is crucial. Rediscovering oneself, undertaking self-care, prioritizing self-care in all forms, setting boundaries that support, and exercising patience is necessary. Healing is a process that takes time, and grieving is essential, as it is a normal response to what has been lost. Listening and paying attention to one's needs, even if it is difficult, is vital in getting in tune with one's feelings and part of the healing process.

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